
If you need to know more about the disclaimer of our site or have any questions regarding it, you can always contact us.

Glucoswitch does not make any promises regarding the fullness, correctness and reliability of this data. Any action you decide to take after the information you get on this website (Glucoswitch), is entirely your choice and you are facing the consequence of it by yourself. The Glucoswitch is not responsible for the losses and/or damages that may result from the use of our website. The Disclaimer was made with the aid of the Disclaimer Generator and the Disclaimer Generator.

From our web, you can go to other webs by clicking on the hyperlinks to such external sites. Although we always make an effort to give top links to the useful and ethical websites, we have no power over the content and nature of these sites. These links to other websites do not mean that they are endorsing all the contents of these websites. The site owners and the content may change without notice and the link has gone bad just before we removed it.

Furthermore, please notice that when you leave our web page, other websites may have different privacy policies and terms which are out of our control.

Do not forget to go through the Privacy Policies of these sites as well as their "Terms of Service" prior to doing any kind of business or uploading any information.


Through the use of our website, you declare you accept the disclaimer and the terms that come along with it.


If we revisit, modify or replace this document, those changes will be majorly posted here. 

GlucoSwitch | Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

Please bear in mind that the information provided here is to supplement rather than to replace consultation with a qualified physician. We recommend you inform your doctor about the changes you are making in your lifestyle and discuss them with him/her. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any medical conditions you may have, you can always consult your doctor.

The website’s content and the product sold are based solely on the author’ opinions and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. It is your responsibility to examine the information obtained about health problems through other sources and consult it with the professional health care provider before using the protocols mentioned in our website and/or the product being sold here.

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